H.O.P.E. Without Gluten,
a SE Idaho Branch of GIG



GIG Programs:
- GF Products
- GF Restaurants
- GF Food Service
- GF Recipes

About GIG®

The Gluten Intolerance Group® , also known as GIG® , is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization funded by private donations including the Combined Federal Campaign, United Way Designated Giving, Employer Matching Funds; proceeds from memberships, the sale of products and our educational resources. We rely on your contributions, which are tax deductible. 85% or more of our revenue is used to support our programs.

GIG® is at the forefront of innovative action and is respected globally as a powerful leader in the celiac community. GIG ® 's volunteers, staff, and Board are knowledgeable and our materials and resources are credible.

Our Mission is to increase awareness by providing current, accurate, information, and education, as well as support, to persons with gluten intolerance diseases, such as celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis, their families, health care professionals and the general public.

Programs supported by our mission include:

  • GIG® Quarterly Newsletter
  • Educational Materials - Gluten-free diet instruction and other educational materials, based on the latest research.
  • GIG® 's Kid's Camp - an integrated camping program for children ages 7-18.
  • Educational meetings and visiting lecturers for patients, the public, and health care professionals on celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and the gluten-free diet.
  • Advocacy involvement in the reform of laws impacting persons with gluten intolerance and education of governing bodies responsible for research funding and regulations affecting CD and DH.
  • Actively working towards a unified voice for all persons with gluten intolerance

Patient Packets
This packet includes a summary of current research, diet instruction, and other valuable information for those with celiac disease and/or dermatitis herpetiformis.

GIG® Quarterly Newsletter
A compilation of research, nutrition advise and product information, recipes, book reviews, meeting news, and what GIG ® 's is doing for the betterment of the gluten-free community.

Restaurant Card Tips
A valuable tool for eating out. The card is available in many foreign languages.

Video Tapes
Our video library contains tapes with topics ranging from introductory information on celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis, to cooking and baking ideas, and other related topics.

For more information, visit www.gluten.net.



© 2008 Gluten Intolerance Group® of North America. All rights reserved.